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Secretary Churchill and Clarence Felder, Chief of Public Schools & Community ColleGES TOUR MODLOGIq

Secretary Churchill and Clarence Felder, General Services' Chief of Public Schools & Community Colleges, visited the MODLOGIQ facility in New Holland, PA. Gilbert Architects, Whiting-Turner, and Prince George's County Public Schools accompanied the Secretary and Chief as they viewed the progress of offsite construction for Cherokee Lane Elementary School.

The hybrid conventional/offsite construction project is an approximately 100,000-square-foot elementary school with about 65,000 square feet of modular classroom, office, and admin space built offsite using MODLOGIQ's one-of-a-kind "Build Together" process. "Build Together" allows stakeholders like Secretary Churchill and Chief Felder walk through a fully-assembled building.

This multi-story, modular project is the first of its kind for Maryland Public Schools. The intention is to find a better means for construction, especially in areas where there are geographic and community challenges.

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