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Town Center Restaurant Kiosks

Southside Works - Restaurant

In a nod to the steel factories and heavy industry that once lined the shores of Pittsburgh’s historic Southside, the two restaurant kiosks located in Town Center @ Southside Works — “The Smokin Ghosts BBQ” and “Slice on Broadway” pizza — feature an industrial aesthetic. They’re clad in corrugated steel and sheet metal panels, polished steel cross members, and lumber siding. Both kiosks feature fully-equipped and functional kitchens, complete with freezers, refrigerators, ovens, smokers, fires safety systems, and more.

Through careful collaboration and design planning, the utility services (water, sewer, power, gas, etc.) terminating within the site-built crawl space foundations aligned with the corresponding connections within each module fabricated hundreds of miles away in New Holland. This provided a smooth “plug-and-play” installation that took less than half a day. This tight integration allowed the restaurants to open just weeks later — in time to start generating revenue over the summer from tourists, pedestrians, and workers at nearby businesses.

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